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Nikki Baca
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Position: Principal
Departments: Administration
Jamie Becerra
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Early Childhood Education
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Kris Bell
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Position: Librarian & English Teacher
Departments: English
Shannon Bryan
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Position: Attendance Secretary
Departments: Administration
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Rolene Chubb
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Position: Special Education
Departments: Special Education
Joelle Clark
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Position: Learning Center
Departments: (None)
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Nathanael Conrad
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Music
Christine Cooks
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Position: Special Education Teacher
Departments: Special Education
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Natalie Cooks
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Position: Health & Physical Education Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
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Christian Cooper
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Position: Health & Physical Education Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
Everett Cooper
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Position: Learning Center
Departments: (None)
Victor Cooper
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
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Mary Corey
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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Darvell Cullors
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Position: Lead Campus Supervisor
Departments: Support Staff
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Kyle Dadson
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Position: Agriculture Teacher
Departments: Agriculture & Automotive
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Giselle Dauphine
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Position: Attendance Office
Departments: Administration
Joe Davis
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Position: Physical Education Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
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Danielle DeLuca
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
Rob Demick
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Position: Counselor(Re-Z)
Departments: Counseling
Wendy Denzel
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
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Sam Derose
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Position: Director of Athletics
Departments: Athletics
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Robin Dery
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Position: Spanish Teacher
Departments: Foreign Language
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David Donati
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Position: Social Studies Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Chris Duarte
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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Tricia England
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Position: Principal's Secretary
Departments: Administration
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Anna Ferree
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Position: Health Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
Brian Finley
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Position: Counselor(A-De)
Departments: Counseling
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Lisa Fiore
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Position: Counselor(Di-K)
Departments: Counseling
Mike Gilmore
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Position: Assistant Principal
Departments: Administration
Javier Gonzales
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Position: Psychologist
Departments: (None)
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Amber Grant
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Position: Political Science/Economics/ Psychology Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Amber Hansen
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Position: Secretary/Records
Departments: Administration
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Tess Harback
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Position: Ceramics Teacher
Departments: VAPA
Michelle Harms
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
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Lindsey Hayes
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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Meg Higdon
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
David Holley
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Position: Assistant Principal
Departments: Administration
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Carrie Jones
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Music
Cindy Josephs
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Position: Athletics Assistant
Departments: Athletics
Michelle Kaul
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Position: Physics & Astronomy Teacher
Departments: Laboratory Science
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Laurie Kershner
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Position: Assistant Principal's Secretary
Departments: Administration
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Christy Little
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Food Service & Hospitality
Dan Loney
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Position: Physical Education Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
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Laura Maranta
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Position: English & Yearbook Teacher
Departments: English
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Lilly Martinez
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Position: Counseling Secretary
Departments: Counseling
Jeremy Massie
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Position: Spanish Teacher
Departments: Foreign Language
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Andrew Mayancsik
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Position: Science Teacher
Departments: Laboratory Science
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Angie McQuitty
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Position: Science Teacher
Departments: Laboratory Science
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Michelle Morrison
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Position: Assistant Principal's Secretary
Departments: Administration
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Jessica Mott
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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David Muff
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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Tiffini Nilsen
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Position: Foreign Language Teacher
Departments: Foreign Language
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Chloe Palmer
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Media Arts
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Tara Patterson
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Position: Electives & Social Studies Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Becca Pollard
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Position: Campus Supervisor
Departments: Administration
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Kamela Proulx
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Position: Wellness Center
Departments: Administration
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Angela Ramsey
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Administration
Christy Reasner
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Position: Counselor(L-Ra)
Departments: Counseling
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Tony Renteria
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Position: CTE Teacher
Departments: Agriculture & Automotive
Chris Ried
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Position: Psychologist
Departments: (None)
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Valerie Robertson
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Position: Chemistry Teacher
Departments: Laboratory Science
Ric Rodgriguez
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Position: ILC
Departments: (None)
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Sid Rodgriguez
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Position: Campus Supervisor
Departments: Support Staff
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David Rogers
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Position: CTE & Electives Teacher
Departments: Technology
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Catherine Sclimenti
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
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Heather Sedley
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Position: ILC
Departments: Special Education
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Kerry Sherer
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Position: ASB Director
Departments: Support Staff
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Luke Sletten
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Position: Social Studies Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Peter Smith
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Position: Social Studies Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Tyler Smith
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Position: Student Resource Officer
Departments: Support Staff
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Julie Steyer
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Position: Art Teacher
Departments: VAPA
Jessica Stokes
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Position: Learning Center
Departments: (None)
Katie Streicher
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Position: Learning Center
Departments: (None)
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Yvonne Sudberry
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Position: CTE, Electives & Science Teacher
Departments: Agriculture & Automotive
Jonathon Sweeney
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
Rashelle Sytsma
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Position: Physical Education Teacher
Departments: Health & Physical Education
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Ben Tomasini
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Position: Social Studies Teacher
Departments: History/Social Science
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Iwina Van Beek
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff
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Shawna Volpa
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Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)
Andrew Weatherly
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Position: Mechanics & Welding Techer
Departments: Agriculture & Automotive
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Andrew Wilkie
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Position: Science Teacher
Departments: Laboratory Science
Amy Wilkinson
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Position: Speech
Departments: (None)
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Zach Wilson
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Position: Math Teacher
Departments: Math
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Dean Winther
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Position: English Teacher
Departments: English
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Windy Wyatt
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff

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