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Contact Information:

Athletic Director: Sarah Iba,                                                                                  

ASB Secretary: Reinette Caballero,


Athletics Clearance Process

Parents AND student-athletes must complete the following steps in order to be cleared to participate in AMS athletics. This includes tryouts and practices.


1. PRINT and COMPLETE the AMS Athletics Clearance Packet:

       a. Complete CONSENT FOR EMERGENCY TREATMENT IN ADVANCE OF NEED (page 1) and HEALTH SCREENING (page 2, with your physician). 



2. Return the completed 3 pages of the AMS Athletics Clearance Packet to Reinette Caballero, ASB Secretary.


3. Get a copy of your BLUE CARD (this is the first page of the Clearance packet - Emergency Contact Info and Release to Treat) from Ms. Reinette PRIOR to your first TRYOUT date. STUDENT-ATHLETES must give this BLUE CARD to the coach prior to trying out!


Athletic Eligibility

ATTENDANCE: Students in extracurricular activities such as athletics, cheer, robotics, and drama productions must meet attendance guidelines in order to participate. These steps are being taken to ensure students have every opportunity to be successful in school and maintain their academic eligibility.

Student-athletes are expected to maintain 90% positive attendance. If a student fails to meet attendance eligibility guidelines they will not be allowed to compete/perform immediately upon receiving the attendance report. Student-athlete and parent will be notified by an Administrator or Athletic Director that they are attendance ineligible. It is the student-athlete's responsibility to clear their attendance.

ACADEMICS: Student-athletes are required to maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA on all grade checks and semester report cards to be eligible for athletic participation. Student-athletes receiving below a 2.0 GPA on any grade check shall be ineligible for participation until the GPA is raised. If grades drop below the required 2.0 GPA, they will be placed on Academic Probation. Student-athletes who choose to stay on the team may continue to practice with the team throughout their period of ineligibility in order to remain on the team. With their coach’s approval, he/she may also sit on the bench or stand on the sidelines at home games only.

CITIZENSHIP: Student-athletes who have behavioral issues on campus, either in or out of the classroom, may have their playing time reduced, lose their starting position or may be suspended from the team. Any student with a suspension during the season may also have an activity suspension determined by administration. This means a player may practice but may not compete.

SCHOOL POLICIES: All school rules and policies, as stated in the AMS Handbook, must be followed.  All disciplinary action taken by the administration for an infraction of a school policy  will also affect an athlete’s position on their AMS team.  Any suspension will affect playing time.  Example:  one day of suspension = not participating in one competition.  Athletes may not practice during the suspended time.

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