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This year, Creston Elementary was awarded Silver Recognition by the California PBIS Coalition for our implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

PBIS offers a tiered approach to promote positive behaviors for students. The goal behind PBIS is to create a common language and set of behavior practices that supports all students. Using PBIS schoolwide creates a safe and fair environment. There is a wealth of research that supports that when PBIS practices are in place, there is an increase in attendance, student and staff motivation, academic success, and lowered suspension rates. PBIS helps staff and students to focus on the positive behaviors, teach, model and celebrate our students each day.


Purpose of PBIS

The purpose of the School Wide Behavior plan is to foster in each child their ability to self-discipline. As a school, we desire supporting both our students' social competences and academic achievement. Creston Elementary strives to provide rigorous, relevant, and research based instruction. We are planting seeds of success by cultivating a strong foundation grounded in teamwork, respect, and independance to produce fruitful scholars.


Creston Cougars show G.R.I.T.

Groundbreaking Achievement - Respectful - Responsible - Independent - Teamwork








Groundbreaking Achievement

Respectful - Responsible




G.R.I.T. Tickets

Tickets are given one at a time by all staff to students or groups of students who are showing/demonstrating/ using GRIT.





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