April 1st Minimum Day Schedule
The minimum day schedule for Thursday, April 1st is as follows:

Elementary and FAA:
AM 8:15am to 9:45am
PM 11:45am to 1:15am
AMS and AHS:
AM 7th period-7:45am to 9:07 am
Office hours-9:15am to 10:35 am
PM 7th period-11:55am to 1:15pm
Remain Vigilant with Health Precautions During Upcoming Holiday
Click on the flyers below (English and Español) to read about the latest Covid updates and what we need to do to avoid a surge and stay healthy.
Covid-19 Key Messages & Talking Points-English
Covid-19 Key Messages & Talking Points-Spanish
Athlete of the Week Katie Burson
Katie Burson on the varsity golf team was featured as this weeks Athlete of the Week. Click on the link to read the whole story in the A-Town Daily News.

Dealing with Grief and Loss
Grief and loss are universal human experiences. Our current reality has made this extremely clear and for many, has led to an increase in the intensity or amount of grief and loss experienced. This video created by the Wellness Center staff hopes to answer questions and be a source of support. We made this video to let everyone know that while you might be in pain, you are not broken and you are not alone. Your school counselors and the Wellness Center staff are here to support you. Click on the picture below to watch the video.

One Cool Earth at San Benito Elementary and San Gabriel Elementary Schools
San Benito scientists look for beneficial insects in their school garden and learn about the importance of pollinators during a One Cool Earth garden lesson.
Mrs. Dunsmore's 5th grade class at San Gabriel worked with One Cool Earth to add spring plants to their garden.

Literacy for Life
Literacy for Life is offering free remote tutoring sessions to help learn or improve English skills. Click on the flyers below for more information.

Happenings at Atascadero High School
There has been a lot going on lately at AHS. The annual Academic Letter was walk up style this year, the Model UN Club has been racking up awards at every tournament, and the Drive In Mock Rock was a huge success. People can tune into the new YouTube Channel, Atascadero High Houndpack, to check it out.

Sports Are Back at AMS
Click on the image below to read more.

CTE Pathways at Atascadero High School

Atascadero High School offers eight different career pathways to students.
Atascadero Fine Arts Academy Open Enrollment Begins February 1st!