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As you may know, our parking lot is small. We do have a great system in place however, we NEED YOUR HELP before and after school! Drop off and pick up can be a little hectic but if we work together and follow the system in place, our students will be safe and the flow of traffic will move much faster. Please note: We have yard duty supervision staring at 7:45 (grades 1-5) and 8:00 (Kindergarten). Please do not drop your children off before  those times as there will be no supervision to ensure their safety. All students are asked to hang their backpacks up outside their classroom in the mornings and head down to the playground until the bell rings. After school supervision lasts until 3:00. Please pick your children up by 3:00  or look into the Champions Day Care on our campus. (Information can be found in our main office). 

Here is how you can help make our parking lot flow faster. When dropping off or picking up your children, please use the designated drop off lane. Pull all the way up as close to the cafeteria as you can before letting your children out of the car. Please do not park and leave your car in this lane, it is for drop off and pick up only. Please feel free to park in an open parking spot before or after school if you would like to walk on to campus to pick up your child.

Another way you can help is to make sure your child knows exactly where you are picking them up. There are two pick up areas after school. You may pick up your child at the front gate in the parking lot or at the lower gate on Monterey Road Street. If you are picking them up on Monterey Road Street, they will exit out the gate on the field near the playground. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you remind your child to wait by the gate where you are picking them up and watch for you. This will keep things moving after school and ensure their safety.

Thank you for your help with this situation. Again, our goal is to keep everyone safe and happy! Your help can make a difference! We are always accepting volunteers. If you would like to help with our parking lot after school, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, thank you for your support. It is going to be a fantastic year!



Julie Davis

Principal MRES

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