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You will most likely notice a decrease in the homework load this year. Our staff spent time this summer reviewing research related to homework and student achievement. There is significant research that shows homework in the elementary grades does not increase student achievement. Our students are being exposed to rigorous standards and work all day long while at school. We believe homework should be limited so that students have a chance to be kids, interact with their family, and participate in community activities, which all directly relate to student achievement. We are promoting reading, practicing math facts, and writing for homework but most importantly, we are promoting family time. We hope you will join us in this promotion and take the time to play ball with your children, have them help you make dinner, go on a bike ride, read to them, play card games, and just enjoy each good old fashion family time!
Here are some ideas for parents:
Play Board Games with your children
Practice cooking and reading by following a recipe and creating something together
Play various card games with your children
Go for a bike ride or a walk as a family
Teach them to play ball
To teach responsibility, encourage your child to assist with jobs at home 
Technology- Have your child create a book, google slide show, or research a topic of interest
Have your child read nightly either to you, themselves, or siblings
Encourage your child to participate in extra curricular activities within the community
Read to your matter what grade they are in...they still enjoy being read to! 
Have them create something with legos and then write about what they created
Practice math facts with flash cards 

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