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Dear Monterey Road Families,               

     Our teachers and staff have really been working to promote our district’s Wellness Policy here at Monterey Road. Treats are often brought into the classroom from home to celebrate birthdays, holidays, etc. We know how fun it is for students to get to celebrate such things with their friends and we want to continue to do that. However, to keep things simple and healthy, we are asking for families to bring in either fruits, vegetables, or nonedible items to celebrate special occasions. We will no longer accept anything that is not listed above. There are a lot of fun and creative ideas out there so have fun and thank you for helping us promote healthy choices with our students! We thank you for your support!       


As for classroom holiday parties, our district wellness policy calls for a balance of treats. One sweet treat accompanied by healthy snacks is perfect for classroom parties. Room moms and teachers will be able to answer any questions regarding holiday parties.                         


The Monterey Road Staff

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