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The Maturation Videos are shown each year to the 5th grade students prior to the end of the school year, traditionally in the spring. Many parents remember when they watched the films about growing up themselves years ago.  Some details follow about AUSD's Maturation Curriculum program:


Maturation Curriculum


  • Elementary schools schedule annual maturation presentations for 5th grade students.  Boys and girls meet separately for the presentations. The films inform regarding puberty, not sexual education.
  • A parent permission slip is sent home prior to the viewing, giving parents the opportunity to give their consent for their child to view the informative film (either the girl version or the boy version). 
  • Active (opt in) parent consent is obtained at least two weeks prior to the presentation.
  • Presentations include video presentations (board approved 2016) called "Straight Talk for Boys" & "Straight Talk for Girls".



These videos are available for preview to guardians within AUSD schools who have a 5th grader whose class is preparing to have their Maturation Programming. Due to copyright laws we are not permitted to leave the videos on an open-watch platform but must clear each family in Aeries first before granting viewing permission. 



Once at the viewing page you will need to ask sharing permission through google Drive. Please expect our staff to need several hours in which to provide access.  If access is requested after hours access will be provided the following work day.  After permission has been given, your viewing opportunities will be unlimited while the videos are up for preview.


Please click the Maturation Link to watch the parent preview.

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