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Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)


The LCAP is a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Under the LCFF all school districts are required to prepare a plan which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.

California school districts must engage parents, educators, employees, and the community to establish these plans. The plan describes our District's overall vision for students, annual goals, and specific actions that will be taken to achieve that vision and its goals, as well as the budget it will need in order to be accomplished each year. The LCAP focuses on eight areas identified as state priorities. The plan demonstrates how the overall district budget will help achieve the goals with an evaluation component to assess how well the strategies supported the goals and outcomes.



LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan)



2021-2022 CSI Prompts


School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a strategic plan that maximizes the resources available to the school while minimizing duplication of effort with the ultimate goal of increasing student achievement. SPSA development should be aligned with and inform the Local Control and Accountability Plan process. The SPSA consolidates all school-level planning efforts into one plan. The SPSA planning process supports continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement. Consistent with EC 65001, the Schoolsite Council (SSC) is required to develop and annually review the SPSA, establish an annual budget, and make modifications to the plan that reflect changing needs and priorities, as applicable.

School Plans for Student Achievement 2023-2024

School Plans for Student Achievement 2024-2025



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