Employee Safety Committee Logo



The purpose of a Safety Committee is to bring workers and management together in a cooperative effort to promote safety Bullseye image with a yellow arrow in the middleand health in each work place. A Safety Committee helps the employer and makes recommendations for change regarding occupational safety and health issues.



  • Provide a safe and healthy educational environment for the student population.
  • Provide a safe and healthy work place for each employee.
  • Provide a safe facility for the public.
  • Reduce property, liability and workers' compensation losses.
  • Promote awareness and focus attention on safety issues.
  • Provide safety communication channels from school/site to district, from district to school/site, from employees to school/site, and from school/site to employees.


Monthly Safety Topic:


March 2025 - Ladder Safety: Every Step Counts


Ways to Avoid Common Injuries



Safety Resources




Legal Requirements
Senate Bill (SB) 198 requires the employer to document its system for communicating with employees on occupational health and safety matters, including provisions designed to encourage employees to report hazards without fear of reprisal. See Section 6401.7 subsection (a)(5) of the stature and Section 3202 subsection (a)(3) of the regulations. An occupational safety and health committee that satisfies specified criteria is considered sufficient to meet this requirement. See Section 6401.7 subsection (f) of the stature and Section 3203 subsection (c) of the regulations.

Article VII of the Bylaws of the Schools Insurance Program for Employees (SIPE) requires tat all members' agencies have a functioning safety committee.

Criteria for Compliance
SAP contains certain minimum requirements for Safety Committees: For the district to be considered in compliance with the communication requirements, the committee must be empowered to 

  • Review the employer's periodic, scheduled work site inspections.
  • Review investigations of causes of incidents resulting in injury, illness, and exposure to hazardous substance, or near hit incidents.
  • Review investigations of any alleged hazardous condition brought to the attention of any committee member.
  • Conduct inspections and investigations, when determined necessary by the committee.