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Use Classroom to organize assignment resources, distribute and collect student assignments, and communicate with students paperlessly.
Getting Started with Google Classroom
Video Series: How to use Google Classroom - Nine videos in the series
How to Create a Google Classroom Video
Google's Guide to Classroom - On the "Stream" page there is a "Teacher View vs Student View" that some might find helpful
Google Classroom: The Basics for Teachers and Students
About Guardian Email Summaries
Guardian Emails FAQ - If a Guardian did not receive the invite in their email, remove the guardian from your Google Classroom and then re-add. A new invite should then be sent.
Step by Step Guide from Google
Teacher Tips:
...where the student has to create work and turn in
...where doc is provided by the teacher, and the student updates it and turns in
How to Create a Hangouts Meet link through Google Classroom - This also shows you how to hide the link from students so they cannot access without you.
Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Teachers
Google Apps Training Link in Classroom
AUSD teachers and students will see a "Google Apps Training" drop-down menu in the top right corner of Classroom and many other Google apps. The menu contains several short interactive videos for learning how to do some common things in whatever Google application you are in.