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Please call the Tech Hotline if you can not make these hours.
General support help, FAQs, and tutorials for students and families.
Our student information system,
where you can access student grades, classes,
and more.
Students should access ALL programs through their ClassLink portal to keep them connected to their teacher and class.
For additional Aeries support, please contact your school site's data tech.
ClassLink Login Page | ClassLink FAQ
For additional ClassLink or program support, please contact the technology member in charge of programs.
If you have issues with your Chromebook or other district technology devices, visit our computer technicians at the tech window for help. You can also call the tech hotline to get in touch with the tech help window.
Broken keys
Trackpad not working
Camera not working
Wifi Connectivity issues
Broken or cracked screens
Trouble logging into chromebook
Lost Chromebook
Other District device issues
Please contact your teacher or your student's teacher for issues with ClassLink and other student programs. They will contact the correct person for program support within the district for you.
5601 West Mall to 6500 Atascadero Avenue
From the District Office parking lot, turn left onto West Mall.
Travel 2 blocks to El Camino Real.
Turn right onto El Camino Real and go to next light, Traffic Way.
Turn left onto Traffic Way. Travel under the highway and bear left at the “T”.
Continue straight until you reach the stop sign at Atascadero Mall. Turn Right.
Go to the next stop sign. Pull into the parking lot for Ace Academy, it is the third entrance on the right.
The Chromebook window is along the parking lot side of the building. Use the bell provided for assistance.