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A Guide for Volunteers at Atascadero Unified School District





Visitors come to the schools for various purposes. They have limited contact with students. As provided in Education Code 45125.1(c), limited contact will be determined by the District based upon the totality of circumstances, including factors such as the length of time the volunteers will be on the school grounds or whether students will be in proximity to the site where the Visitors will be. Example of a Visitor are:

a. Meeting with a staff member

b. Having lunch with your child

c. Presentation in the classroom

d. Observation hours for a University

e. Tour a school site with a Principal.

f. Attending a school event or activity


Volunteer/Chaperone Process at Atascadero Unified School District:

Volunteers and Volunteer/Chaperones have contact with students and come to the schools to help in a variety of ways. Duties as volunteer or volunteer/chaperone require your full attention. Only students enrolled in the class or activity you are volunteering with are allowed to participate with you in the classroom or in the office.  If you wish to volunteer, please follow the process below:

Paperwork for #2 and #3 are to be turned in to your site secretary. The secretary will need to scan your Driver's License to verify the information you have filled out on your paperwork. This is also our Megan's Law check.



1.  Online Pre-Volunteer Application ~ You only need to complete this application once.  If you have not completed this before, please complete this ONLINE Application.  Click on the link provided below. This places you on the Volunteer database.  Once approved, you will be able to login under Volunteers, when going on campus.  This also allows you to receive emails on the process of your application.

2.  Volunteer Application/Agreement Form ~ Please complete a Volunteer Application/Agreement form (2 pages) for each school site you wish to volunteer. The form is valid for one school year only.  For the 2024-2025 school year. You will need to turn in your  'paper'  volunteer application to the site secretary at the school site(s) you are requesting to volunteer/chaperone at. Once they have their Administrator and your students teacher sign the application, they will send it to the human resources department for a final approval.

Click on the English or Español version below. You may also pick it up at the school site.  

3.  TB clearance/TB Risk Assessment ~ Please attach a copy of your current TB clearance with your Volunteer Application/Agreement form. (TB clearances are good for 4 years from the date of the clearance). If  you have had one in the last 4 years, we will just need a copy of it (the TB Screening must include your name, date of birth, date of test and the test results). 


  *** As an option, we also accept TB Risk Assessment's. This consists of a series of 5 questions. If you are not considered of "high risk" after answering the 5 questions, the doctor's                      office will clear you immediately. The Health Clinics in Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo usually will offer the TB Risk Assessment



Fingerprint Clearance ~ If you plan to Chaperone on any field trip or plan to work alone with students, you MUST have Fingerprint Clearance. If you will be driving a school vehicle to transport students you will also need to be fingerprinted. Children under your care or supervision, who are not part of the classroom roster, cannot attend a field trip.

***Please contact Carmina Rendon at 805-462-4215 for information regarding this process and for the required form you need to take with you to your appointment. The FORM CAN BE EMAILED TO YOU, saving you a trip to the office. Fingerprints must be processed through the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education and it must be specifically for the School Districts in the County.   **Make sure to start on this process very early as fingerprints can take 2 days to several weeks to clear. The cost is $80.00 effective July 1, 2022


Thank you very much for volunteering!!

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