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Prospective Employees


About Atascadero Unified School District



Atascadero is located on the Central Coast of California.  The temperate climate and small town atmosphere makes Atascadero an ideal place to live.  Atascadero has a population of approximately 29,708 and offers a wide variety of attractions including: beautiful parks, hiking trails, restaurants, local events and a short drive to many of our local beaches.




Our district is composed of seven elementary schools, two middle schools, a high school, alternative ed. high school, an independent studies program and a homeschool program and has a combined population of approximately 4,300 students. One of our goals in Human Resources is to select and retain outstanding employees who will educate and serve the students of AUSD.  We have an exceptional team of dedicated professionals who continue to strive to meet the needs of all our students. 



Relocating to the Central Coast


Rental Agencies


Real Property Management

Century 21


Before and After School Care

Boys and Girls Club 805-635-1358

Champions 800-246-2154


Information on Local Activities and Events

City of Atascadero Recreation Guide

Atascadero Chamber of Commerce

Visit Atascadero 




AUSD does not serve as a promoting agency for any companies or references listed above for housing options.  AUSD does not accept responsibility for the listing, policies or practices by the agencies listed above. 

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